Just got to Perpignan early for the annual VISA Pour L’Image photojournalism festival. The temperature’s up in the 30’s and the humidity’s even higher. Feeling a thunder storm coming on – must be all the photos going up in all the shop windows and town buildings :o)
This is my third year here and I think I’ll always keep coming back. At VISA you always get two festivals for the price of one: VISA Pour L’Image (for the pro’s) and VISA OFF (showing the work of amateur photojournalists). The work in both festivals is amazing and never fails to impress – not to mention I get to catch up with old friends and hang out in some great Tapas bars into the small hours.
Just got an email from the guys at HUCK magazine who have blogged about Conflicted on their site (bit.ly/oDp34l). Thanks for that, they’ve done a great job.
Let’s see what the next week brings. You never who you’re going to meet here or what might fall your way. Should be fun.