Two days into the professional week here at VISA Pour L’Image and it’s been fast and exciting as ever. I just got nominated for the ANI Coup de Coeur Photo Prize – for the second year – which I’m seriously pleased about. It was for my photo story on Julian Assange / WikiLeaks (a story which is still on-going) and was featured in Der Spiegel earlier this year.
You can find out more about it at the lalettredelaphotogrpahie web site at
As I probably said before in an earlier post, VISA Pour L’Image in Perpignan is the best place to see some of the strongest photo journalistic stories year-in, year-out. If you can make the trip out here at the end of each August, the you should. The quality of the work is incredibly high and you can’t help but be inspired by all the exhibitions that take over the city and in addition to the daily evening projections at Campo Santo.
It’s only Day 2 of the professional week and I’m already shattered. 8 days to go.